Europe's turn to agree how to handle refugee crisis
After the wars that took place in the Middle East during the 2011-2012 Arab Spring revolutions, Western Europe has seen the largest...
WWMLKD (What Would MLK Do) About Refugees Today?
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a legendary social rights activist. He spent his entire adult life speaking out and educating people about...
Clashing POVs: How nations receive (and reject) refugees
Migrants from Middle Eastern nations are continuing to swarm in by the millions into the European Union as they seek refuge from war and...
Busting myths about global migration
We chose to present our work on the truths and lies that exist in the world about refugees and migrants in the form of a vertical quiz,...
Here today (so do something)
I believe that many people nowadays do recognize the the refugee crisis as a problem to be solved, but they don’t do anything about it —...