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Images both trending and tragic

Photography and social media have helped document what has been happening to refugees and migrants in Europe and the Middle East.

Among other tools, Instagram has become one of the most powerful ways of sharing images that inform and impact the way we understand global migration.

Here are three examples.

Many refugees and photographers posted images of "The Jungle," a refugee camp north of Paris, after it was demolished on Oct. 25.

Many images are black-and-white and highlight the damage done to property and possessions. Some show damage to property, others show police, and many simply show the people watching their lives being destroyed.

People are posting these images as a way to show that “clearing the camp” is not as humane as it sounds. The "Jungle" was cleared many times before but through Instagram, outsiders can understand what these refugees feel and live every day.

Photo by ManuPolyvalence, Nov 12, 2016

With more than 200,000 posts, this hashtag shows that people care about refugees and are not discriminating against them. Most posts are from rallies or public demonstrations that show how Americans and many other countries accept refugees for who they are. Some include a refugee living life as if they have the same ordinary experiences that others do. As the tag itself states, people are here to welcome refugees and include them in everyday life in hopes of allowing more refugees to come. One post shows a pole with all of the flags of nations in the Middle East along with many more. The people posting that want to show that not everyone thinks a refugee is a terrorist. The posts under this tag are peaceful and inviting, it is a positive movement looking to welcome refugees.

Photo by Activists of New York, Nov 21, 2016

Mosul is a new, trending tag looking to show and support what is happening in the war-torn city, which is now at the center of a battle between ISIS, and U.S. and Iraqi forces. This post shows children running to a truck full of food and other crucial supplies. An Iraqi government organization went to the outskirts of Mosul delivering supplies to people desperately in need. Other images include soldiers who have posted themselves patrolling recovered parts of the city. Many photos are of small children and framed photos of loved ones who have passed. This is trending because only the major news sources having been showing content from this region. These posts allow people to get an inside look at the horror of the fighting to take back Mosul.

Photo by Reuters, Nov 21, 2016

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